Billy 21st October 2012

Hello my sweet Love of a Mother, Just thinking of you tonight and wondering where u may be tonight? I feel u in my heart and soul and feel u are happy, happy! I do hope so very, very much. I miss u so much more and more each passing day but I am happy for the many times we shared, in laughter, tears, regret, and healing. Theres no doubt in my mind you knew I loved you and I know you loved me, I just wish we could have had more in this life together. But I do cherish what we did get to share and enjoy and know as I know in my heart, I love you more than I could ever ever love you and I know you were the same to me, thats how I find comfort. I love you my dear dear sweet sweet mother always and I will find you in death and we will see each other again, I love you!!!!!!